Amateur Radio


One of my hobbies is amateur radio and I am licensed as W8WHY. I am the treasurer of my local radio club (TMRA) and my private blog posts about amateur radio can be found here.

I have a few seperate pages devoted to special topics:

My current dx records by direction from Toledo, OH are:

Callsign Distance Azimuth DXCC Entity
E20WXA 8,578 miles N Thailand
7Z1IS 6,871 miles NE Saudi Arabia
ZS2E 8,712 miles E South Africa
LW7DXQ 9,109 miles S Argentina
ZL2AO 8,538 miles SW New Zealand
VK3VDX 9,929 miles W Australia (east coast)
VK6AS 11,221 miles NW Australia (west coast)
No doubt each station had impressive antennas and pre-amps.